Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The One That Got Her Heart Pumped Up {#1}

She picked him up. Nervous as hell. She liked him so bad though his heart belongs to someone else. But then again, HER heart does not care. It wants him and it needs him. So they went out to eat somewhere.

She dressed down, trying not to make it obvious. But the neon blush on her cheeks screamed nervousness and extra everything. Extra feelings, extra care, extra LOVE. Whaddaheck. Calm your tits, bitch, said her ego. So she put on her drama face, laughing her heart out to his awkward jokes; a bit too loud, perhaps. She forgot how to drive suddenly. He laughed. She steered a bit too left. He smiled. She missed the turn. But they arrived safely nonetheless.

She placed the order. Just a snack. He didn’t order for anything. Just ate an elephant, he said. She laughed; a bit too high-pitched. He just stared at her. Cute one, he said. Fuck. She wanted to hug him and run together to somewhere. Of course she couldn’t. So she just sat there, as nervous as hell, like she were sitting on top of piranha biting her ass off.

Then, the order came. She sipped. Funny noises came out. Awkward moment. He shrugged. She asked what’s wrong. Just some injuries, he said. God, she wanted to ask at which part so that she could tend them, care them, kiss them…BAM!

Tomato or chili sauce, he asked. Tomato, she said. YOU, her heart yelled. This is a disaster, she thought as he reached for his phone, texting someone. She got curious as a damn cat. He looked up and smiled adorably. Damn it! Not the smile, babe! Damn you, she muttered.

Tick Tock Tick Tock. One hour passed. They say time gets jealous when good stuff happens.Jealous,much, now, time?

Then it was time to depart. She wanted to stay longer. With him. Just the two of them. Like Rahul and Anjali. But how could she? Sigh. She wanted to confess. Like seriously say to him; HEY, don’t make a mistake by staying with her. I am the one. I am your fuckin left ribs. Not her. She’s just… HAIP! What was that?! Calm your tits, lil tramp! Ugh.

She was confused. Should she just confess and risk their friendship? Is it really just a friendship? Does he feel like how she feels? She asked herself all these as she watched him walked away from her. Painfully. Longingly.

. . . to be continued!

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